Baby Ali's Photo Blog
Ali and Aiman's Photo Blog: February 2005

Welcome to Baby Ali's photo blog. Thanks for stopping by.

This blog was an idea that came about as I was driving home one day. I had just created a powerpoint slide show of baby Ali to distribute to a group of my friends and I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great if I could share the many faces of my child to the world? Hence the creation of this blog. In sticking to this theme, I shall be posting a picture of baby Ali daily, accompanied by a caption. I hope to put a smile on your face. There’s simply much too little of it these days.

I would like to thank my wife, Erma Suryati, for giving me this beautiful baby and putting up with me so far. She’s truly a superwoman. I love you, sayang.

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>>>Baby Ali's Video Blog<<<

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Chillin' on the weekend. It's time to relax.

What do you mean my project not approved?

Lift your arms. All together now.. And 1 and 2 and 3 and 4

Hi all,
I'm posting additional photos today to cover until the end of the week. Have a great weekend and take care.

No pictures please! II

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Baby Ali is getting stronger. He’s been able to lift his head for some weeks now. Even more recently I realized that he can kick hard. And it ain’t one of them ordinary kicks either. I’m talking about the kind of kick that would make a grown man’s voice go up a few notches when kicked in a certain location? I haven’t had the pleasure of being the honorary recipient of one but I have been punched by Baby Ali before though. Couple of times actually. But don’t worry folks, no permanent damage done to yours truly that wasn’t there already.

Not so loud. Whisper it in my ear.

What, you want summa tis?

Monday, February 21, 2005

Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by

Next stop mommy's office!

Anyone out there can say "No" to this face? I sure can't

Take that and that you bad bad mosquito!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Whatcha talking about Willis?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Baby Talk

Baby Ali has been trying to talk since last week. Some of his favourite “words” are “huhhh”, “whooo” and “ahpoo”. At times, Baby Ali actually looked as if he was trying to strike conversation with mommy! Based on my observation, Baby Ali usually likes to start a “discussion” first thing in the morning. I too find myself talking gibberish to Baby Ali and a few days ago, while trying to calm Baby Ali down as he began to cry, I think I started a whole new language. I even threw in some “ka kaw ka kaw” and “tuki tuki”(inspired from the movie Evolution) for good measure. And it worked! In calming Baby Ali down that is, the jury’s still out on starting a new language.

Hi all,
While trying to get through a hectic first few days of the week, I have decided that rather than having just photos on this blog, I will also take the time to write of Baby Ali’s developments every now and then. I probably would not be able to write on a daily basis but I will definitely try my level best to do it as often as possible, hopefully at least once a week or when any substantial development occurs. Topics will range from anything to everything that concerns and affects Baby Ali. This means that I will write of topics which may not only be about Baby Ali specifically but also of matters that could affect him indirectly. To get the ball rolling, my next posting shall be of this nature. Happy reading!

In the beginning III

Hmmmm lemme see. When I grow up I want a house, a car...

I beg your pardon? Can you repeat the question please?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Suffering sukatash!!!
This is my best impression ;)

Whoaaa... this place is HUGE!

I pray for peace on earth II (even in my sleep)

Staring competition : Baby Ali vs Papa Ali

Hi all,
I'm posting additional photos to cover the next few days. Have a great week.

Heyyy Macarena!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Muahhhh... I luv you babeh!

In the beginning II

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Power to the people!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Baby Ali's smile

Last thing I heard was "I tot I taw a putty tat" from the cat and that bird did like this and flew away

It's my party.. and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to

Synchronized sleeping II

Don't ever try to be funny with my Papa ok?

Hmmmm... that satay sure looks delicious

Hi all,
As usual, I am posting additional photos today to cover for the missed days. I really hope I can get a phone line soon so I can post from my home. Until then I hope everyone can tolerate my recurring lack of daily updates. Take care and have a nice weekend.