Baby Ali's Photo Blog
Ali and Aiman's Photo Blog: February 2007

Welcome to Baby Ali's photo blog. Thanks for stopping by.

This blog was an idea that came about as I was driving home one day. I had just created a powerpoint slide show of baby Ali to distribute to a group of my friends and I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great if I could share the many faces of my child to the world? Hence the creation of this blog. In sticking to this theme, I shall be posting a picture of baby Ali daily, accompanied by a caption. I hope to put a smile on your face. There’s simply much too little of it these days.

I would like to thank my wife, Erma Suryati, for giving me this beautiful baby and putting up with me so far. She’s truly a superwoman. I love you, sayang.

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>>>Baby Ali's Video Blog<<<

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I swear Baby Ali's hooked on this kind of rides.
Once he's on em' he doesn't want to stop!

Video Blog Updated! (Well, kinda? ;))

Hiya Folks,

I'm pleased to announce that the video blog is now updated with *ehem* old stuff but nevertheless updated(i.e. dead links repaired).

Well, I gotta start somewhere right? :). Will try to upload some new stuff soon(but considering my last posting in the video blog was in 2005, don't hold your breath please :)).

So what are you waiting for? Head down to Baby Ali's Video Blog now! Pretty please, with sugar on top? :).

"I know I'm gonna like this!"
Baby Ali's introduction to carbonated drinks

Baby Ali's solo rendition of the Kenny G and Michael Bolton duet :)

Smiling right at ya!

At the Aquaria with Atok

A year has passed

Wow, it's been that long huh? A lot has happened since my last posting. Baby Ali's turned 2, he's now jumping off chairs ala wrestling, we switched to a new childcare - just to mention a few.

Pardon? Less chat and more pictures you say? Well here goes :)